Welcome to ZestfulContemplation.com!

Welcome, welcome, one and all. Feel free to stay a while and have a look at the new, shiny surroundings. I've been hinting through my other communication outlets (such as Twitter and Facebook) that I haven't been resting on my laurels, and this, dear friends and readers who bothered to stick with me and check out my new endeavor, is proof of my statements.
I now have my very own domain name, not to mention a much more full-featured site to go along with it. I have also loaded it with a bunch of new posts to make up for my absence, and to give you something new to read while you're here. Of course, should you have a fond remembrance of one of my older articles, they're all here too, coexisting with the new just like they belong here. So cute.
I truly appreciate you stopping by. This site is a work in progress and I would very much welcome comments, complaints, and suggestions on how to improve. I already have a number of ideas, so please, let me know what you think.
In the meantime, enjoy your stay and remember to return often. Much more good stuff is to come. Welcome again to www.zestfulcontemplation.com.
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