Guitar Hero Smash Hits - Just the Essentials Review

In this Zestful Contemplation Just the Essentials video review, I let you know exactly what you need to know about Guitar Hero Smash Hits in order to make an informed purchase and get to the heart of the game without wasting too much of your valuable time. It's the first in what I hope to be a series of short, to the point reviews, giving me an exercise in both conciseness and basic video editing.
As always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know. I'm always looking to improve.

It would appear that I made a slight mistake when posting this for the first time and made the video private when I hadn't meant to. That would explain why not one other person ever watched it. I've now fixed the issue and would greatly appreciate it if some of you could finally take a look at it and tell me what you think of it and whether it's worth it for me to do more of them.

Reader Comments (2)
I like it, primarily because your voice-over sounds like a DJ from a classical music radio station.
I certainly haven't heard that before.
I guess that's a good thing....
I'm glad you liked it anyway.