Tour Our Haunted House, if You Dare

My Dad and I have always loved Halloween and we have a great tradition of decorating our house in fairly grand style to celebrate the holiday. This year I thought it was about time to properly document our efforts, so I put together the below video, which I had about as much fun filming and editing as I did putting together the spooky display itself. I hope it shows. Enjoy.
Reader Comments (2)
That is really cool man, I don't think I'd have been able to see one of your famous setups otherwise. You really do go all out and I recognize more than a few of those bits that showed up on our porch at the apt. Also, darn good film job, editing and shot setup, we could make horrible horrible B horror movies easily. Good job Smith family.
Thanks much for the praise. I really appreciate it. We really did work hard on that setup and I had a blast filming and editing it. I was really happy with the way it came out. My video equipment sucked (I was just using my still camera's video capture ability), but I think the low quality image actually helped the atmosphere in this case.
Anyway, it was all a lot of fun and I'm glad you liked it. It's good you got to see it in some form, at least.